Martha oder Der Markt zu Richmond
Friedrich von Flotow



Wie das schnattert, wie das plappert,
Wie das durcheinander spricht!
Gelt! Wenn's bei den Mädels hapert,
Ist's fürwahr das Mundwerk nicht.
Nun, Herr Bruder, will doch hoffen,
Hast schon eine Wahl getroffen?

Ach, wozu?

Wozu? Zum Dienen
In der Wirtschaft, die vereint
Wir im Pachthof neu beginnen,
Wie's der Mutter Wille meint.

Segen, ja Segen ihrem Angedenken.

Ja, sie war ein braves Weib,
Wusste alles recht zu lenken,
Hielt uns gut an Seel' und Leib.
Dir, dem Pflegling, ward die Pflege,
Deinem frommen Sinn zum Lohn;
Ich, der Tölpel, kriegte Schläge -
Na, ich war der eigne Sohn!

Guter Bruder!

Was ist's weiter?
Ständest sonst ja ganz allein,
Ohne Eltern, Freund, Geleiter;
Muss ich nicht dein Bruder sein?

Ja! Seit früher Kindheit Tagen
Wart ihr des Verlass'nen heil,
Lehrtet ihn das Dasein tragen,
Gabt ihm eurer Herzen Teil.
Deiner braven Eltern Hütte
Naht' mein Vater einst, verbannt.
Er fand Schutz in eurer Mitte -
Ach! und starb dort unbekannt.

Nimmer haben wir erfahren
Seinen Namen, seiner Stand.
Nur den Ring dort - zu bewahren,
Zog er fest an deine Hand.
"Dräuen", sprach er, "dir Gefahren,
Zeige ihn der Königin,
Und sie wird dein Recht dir wahren -
Doch in Drangsal nur zieh hin."

"Denn so lang du froh, zufrieden,
Weilest in der Demut Schoss,
Strebe nie nach Glanz hienieden,
Glück wohnt nur im schlichten Los."

Ja, geheiligt sei sein Wille,
Nicht nach Schimmer strebt mein / sein Sinn,
Und in ländlich frommer Stille
Heiter fliesst mein / sein Leben hin.



When the women get together,
They are like a flock of geese!
Now that we have looked them over,
Here's a chance to talk in peace.
Brother Lionel, did you look at them?
We must come to some decision.

Why so soon?

So soon? A Farmer,
When he has not got a spouse,
Needs good servants in his house.
That's what mother used to say.

Bless her! She loved me as if I were her own.

She was kind and she was good,
And she always tried to teach us
To behave as children should.
You, the foster child she favored,
You, the smart and clever one,
I, the clumsy, stupid farmer,
I, who was her only son!

Still my brother!

Yes, your brother!
With no kindred of your own,
None to help you, none to guide you,
Could I let you stand alone?

Since the time of early childhood,
You've been kind and good and true,
From the day my exiled father
Came and found a home with you.
You received us, made us welcome,
Though he never revealed his true name;
You consoled him as he lay dying,
Never knowing whence he came.

No, he never told his secret
Even as he breathed his last;
But that ring upon your finger
May some day reveal the past.
"Son", he said, "in time of danger,
Find a way to see the Queen.
Show the ring and she will help you,
She will know what it may mean."

"Why should you give thought to danger?
Courts and kings are not for you.
All you need is here before you
Now and all the days to be."

Let me live and die a farmer
Far away from noise and strife,
In the fields in peace and quiet,
That's how I will spend my life.